Voice Exploration

Interested in discovering the potential of your voice and eager to learn how to express yourself through the most dynamic instrument you possess?

Come on a journey of self-discovery and vocal transformation designed specifically and tailored uniquely for you. These sessions offer a unique opportunity to explore and enhance your vocal abilities in a supportive and encouraging environment.

We touch on;

  • technique enhancement
  • confidence building
  • versatility training


A designed a flexible 3-6-9 session program, tailored to meet your unique needs and goals in voice exploration. These structured programs are crafted to utilize our time efficiently, ensuring you gain the most from each teaching and learning experience. Through specialized techniques, you’ll embark on a journey of discovering the true potential of your voice.


Who is this for?

This program is tailored to people who:

  • May have a chronic illness
  • Are soul searching
  • Want to live a life with more vitality
  • Want to explore food therapy and how it links to the body
  • Searching to heal an aspect of their lives
  • Feeling lost and uncertain of their life direction

Book A Session